Meditation Instruction based on the Shambhala Buddhist Lineage. Leaning into the sharp edges, holding space around the wisdom held there, finding the ability to sit in the unknown. Everything is doable. Humans are basically good. Bringing light into the darkness to take a closer look.
Guided Meditation
Color: White
Sound: Weep
Odor: Rotten
Emotion: Grief
Season: Fall
Virtue: Appreciation & Presence
Energy: Decrease, Letting Go
Time of Day: 3:00 AM – 7:00 AM
It’s Season is Fall, when the energy decreases, the brilliant gem-colored leaves fade to brown and fall away, and because of this, minerals seep back into the Earth for the next generation of seedlings. There is an air of clarity, order and logic to all the excess falling away, so that precisely what sustains us is all that is left. The white morning mists & fog let go to a climate that becomes dry. There is a sense of beauty in this time of year in the crispness, the space that becomes with the change towards winter, the grief that comes with the growing darkness that creates a precision, a structure, a pattern to making the most out of the diminishing daylight.
The Lungs bring the rhythm of breathing in, and breathing out. Inspiration of life-giving breath, as well as inspiration of the energy from the stars – that heavenly space – that shows us our purpose, value, worth & when in balance, the ability to forgive.
The Large Intestine, our great eliminator, creates purification & space for change. It asks us to learn to let go of all that no longer serves us, all that is toxic to us. At the same time it allows us to hold onto those things of value, of beauty, so we know our worth, integrity, value & brilliance. By letting go, we can then take in again, often from a more refined & inspired lens.