
Sacred Ritual & Journeying

Ceremony and Ritual are used to invoke the Sacred into your life.

Guided Journey’s for the the Seeker.  Ceremony and Ritual for the Body-Mind-Spirit.  Distance Healing, if you are unable to be in office.  As everything is Energy, this effects the potential for healing across all time, space, dimensions & realities.  These offerings support your path, opening up to that potential of All-That-Is. 

Sacred Ritual & Journeying

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Shifting Fear & Doubt Into Wisdom & Trust

Color: Blue/Black

Sound: Groan

Odor: Putrid

Emotion: Fear

Season: Winter

Virtue: Wisdom & Trust

Energy: Yin/Storage/Gestation

Time of Day: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Water Element

Safety, Reassurance & Stability

It’s Season is Winter. The deepest, darkest time, where the cold surrounds us like a blanket. A time of necessary conservation of resources, a quiet time for peaceful reflection & solitude. Water flows towards the area of least resistance, and still waters run deep. During these winter months there is a necessity of trust; that the harvest from late summer was stored, that we have all that is needed to ‘survive’ the winter, and that the potential of the spring will come again. This wisdom and courage comes from Deep within. We have the willpower & vitality, given to us at conception, that will sustain us.

Kidney ’The Minister the Waterways’

The Kidney controls all the fluids in the body, and maintains ‘flow’, or flexibility, across body, mind & Spirit. The ruler of bones, marrow (brain), and the central nervous system and the adrenals. Here is our resilience, our genetic blueprint, that allows us to move with & through our lives.

Bladder ‘In Charge of Storage’

The Bladder, our reservoir of fluids, holds boundaries and limits, priorities and energy for the wholeness of who we are. As the longest meridian, It is connected to the back & the spine. It shows us how to adapt, transition and move through the unknown. When there is chaos in our body, our lives; there is fear. Our intuition shows us how to flow through these times. Our deepest wisdom gives us the resources & carries us along the river of life. This is the immeasurable power of potentiality within the seed – the gestation time in the womb – that tells us to keep going. Light will come to the darkness, and we will move through the unknown.